What we teach


We teach that the Bible is the verbal revelation of God to man. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (consisting of the sixty-six books), are inspired and infallible in its origin and efficacy as well as being sufficient and authoritative for all that God requires us to believe and do (practice).


We teach that there is but one and true living God who is spirit, infinite, eternal. He is perfect in His attributes, holy in nature, and existing in three persons of the Triune Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is also Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. He alone is eternally worthy to receive all glory, honor, praise, and worship.

Jesus Christ

We teach that Jesus Christ, being the second person of the Trinity, is co-equal and co-eternal in the Trinity. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, becoming fully man, lived a sinless life on earth, died a substitutionary atoning death on a Roman cross, was buried, was resurrected, is exalted, and will soon return to Earth.

Holy Spirit

We teach that the Holy Spirit, being the third member of the Trinity, is likewise co-equal and co-eternal in the Trinity. He is a real person, existing as spirit with a personality and not an impersonal force. Being holy, He indwells every true believer; illuminates their minds to understand the Scriptures; convicts the world of sin, judgement, and righteousness; sustains the Creation; and as the Helper promised by Jesus Christ, He aids the Church for her good.


We teach that man is a perceptive being, fashioned in the image of his Creator. Created and given freedom, he exercised his liberty to rebel against God and fell into sin and is therefore separated from his Maker in an hostile existence against Him. He possesses and cultivates a darkened heart and mind and is in need of repentance, forgiveness of sin, and salvation from God’s judgement and eternal punishment. We also teach that man, no matter his condition, is redeemable, yet only through Jesus Christ.


We teach that salvation is the sovereign work of God offered as the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. We teach the penal substitutionary atonement through Jesus Christ, who lived the impeccable life of obedience to the perfect Law of God that we should have lived, and that He died the death of penalty for our sins on the cross, securing our eternal salvation. We teach that the Holy Spirit regenerates the elect, allowing them to repent and forsake their sin, enlivening love for Jesus Christ and creating an appetite for the Word of God.

The Church

We teach that the Church is the Body and Bride of Christ who are made up of true believers. In the local church, believers are to love one another, serve according to their gifts and abilities, witness to the perishing world, pray in the Spirit, observe the ordinances (Baptism & Communion), worship in spirit and truth, and labor to make disciples while growing for greater service and effectiveness to Christ and His Church. A mature and maturing church will be a healthy church, a ready Bride, a fit and vigorous Body.

Eternity & Last Things

We teach that man being born once and dying once, will face the righteous judgment of God. Man will then either live eternally in Heaven as the redeemed of Christ or in hell as those who willingly rejected His offer of forgiveness and salvation. We teach that Christ will return personally, visibly, and bodily to judge the living and the dead and to consummate His Kingdom. Christ will restore all things, making all things new, where there will be no weeping, pain, or suffering in His glorious presence.

Marriage, Gender and Sexuality

We teach that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and that these two distinct yet complementary sexes reflect the image and nature of God. We teach that God created marriage to be the union of one man and one woman, and that intimate, sexual relationship is exclusive to that union.

Have additional questions?

If you need additional information about our church, please reach out to us.