Our Daily Needs
Being dependent physical creatures we have daily essential needs. As dependent spiritual children of God, our spiritual needs are also daily and essential.
Jae H. Woo
The preaching of the God's word is essential to our corporate worship. Expository preaching is most effective in confronting sinners, comforting the repentant, growing the hungry, and building up the Body of Christ.
Being dependent physical creatures we have daily essential needs. As dependent spiritual children of God, our spiritual needs are also daily and essential.
Jae H. Woo
True change will never occur unless the nature of a person’s heart is transformed. When the heart and its affections are renewed, behavior and external changes will naturally follow.
Jae H. Woo
Our relationship to God is as His children, which makes us family. Jesus sets forth that God is not just my Father, but our Father, emphasizing that we are related as believers. Our prayers should include others—not merely incidentally, but just as equally and fervently as we pray for ourselves.
Jae H. Woo
"He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him." (John 1:11). The setting in which Jesus comes is, in many ways, representative of humanity's fallen nature.
Jae H. Woo
God is not distant; He is your Father. Through Christ, the holy and transcendent God becomes personally and intimately close to His children.
Jae H. Woo
All believers, especially those serving and leading in the church, will encounter situations that challenge, unsettle, and even frighten us as a community. These moments present us with a choice: to respond in fear or in faith. Faithfulness calls us to choose faith and courage.
Jae H. Woo
The practice of spiritual disciplines implies exactly that—discipline. It’s intentionally sacrificial, requiring planning and hard work. Jesus made it a point to ascend the mountain to be alone and pray in His exhaustion.
Jae H. Woo
Christians often neglect prayer due to self-sufficiency, relying on tangible resources like money, technology, or experts instead of seeking God.
Jae H. Woo
Jesus’ strongest indictments came against those who claim to know God and those who claim to teach in God’s name and yet had no real relationship with God or love for God and people.
Jae H. Woo
The practice of righteousness, spiritual disciplines, all come with them a reward. Depending on the heart of the person, these rewards may be either short-lived and earthly or eternal and heavenly.
Jae H. Woo
The godly practices of a man fit for elder include hospitality, effective teaching, managing his household with sacrificial love, and demonstrated spiritual maturity through humility and reliance on God.
Jae H. Woo
An elder ought to be sober-minded, having the spiritual vigilance to refrain from excess that would dull his alertness. One whose pleasures are not primarily those of the senses but of the soul.
Jae H. Woo
Rather than looking for men who are gifted, who are educated and trained, who are talented, we need to first look for men who are men of godly character.
Jae H. Woo
Eldership is an aspirational office, where a man must desire and reach for it, not out of ambition, but out of a compulsion to serve. A compulsion driven by love for Christ and a calling.
Jae H. Woo
A true biblical eldership is not a businesslike committee; it’s a biblically qualified council of men that jointly pastors the local church.
Jae H. Woo
The greatest threat to the early church was the temptation to neglect the ministry of the Word and prayer in favor of addressing physical needs. The solution was to appoint spiritual men to handle these practical matters.
Jae H. Woo
The church came to life through the teaching and preaching of the gospel of Christ, and the church is sustained and supported by the Word.
Jae H. Woo
For God's people, gratitude and the practice of giving thanks are patterns of life. We are called to exercise the highest form of gratitude—simply thanking God for who He is.
Jae H. Woo
God's testing is not for His benefit, but for ours. It's meant to bring us to the end of ourselves and expose what we truly beleive about God and ourselves.
Jae H. Woo
When we grumble and complain, we willfully forget God's sovereignty and reject the truth that even difficult and less-than-ideal situations are exactly what He has willed.
Jae H. Woo
God's love is not merely an emotional, compassionate love, but a purposeful love. It's a love that acts, a love that gives, a love that sacrifices.
Jae H. Woo
How we treat others, especially anyone who could be considered an enemy, says everything about our relationship to God and gives evidence to whether or not we are God's children.
Jae H. Woo
The Christian response to injustice calls for humility and non-retaliation, reflecting Christ's example of suffering while trusting in God for justice.
Jae H. Woo
Our words should be so truthful that we need not assure others of our honesty. Our promises, statements, and covenants should be so unwavering that oaths are unnecessary. This is the righteousness Jesus expects of His followers.
Jae H. Woo
Adultery and divorce are more than sexual sins because they affect more than just the bodies of those involved. They attack and undermine the very foundations of God's created order.
Jae H. Woo
Anger towards a brother is subject to the same judgment as murder. Reconciliation should be pursued quickly and humbly, even placing it before the act of worship, which is the believer's highest calling.
Jae H. Woo
According to Jesus, entering the Kingdom of Heaven is simple and clear. One simply needs to exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.
Jae H. Woo
The church is not somewhere to come to be served but a place where we come to serve. We must assess whether we approach church with a consumer mentality or a mindset of giving ourselves to others.
Jae H. Woo
Church membership requires an internal condition of faith and repentance. It disarms tribalism by welcoming all who come through genuine repentance and faith, regardless of external factors.
Jae H. Woo
The church is a unique and distinct institution, unlike any other association or body of people in history or in the world, because it is divine in its origins and is sustained and strengthened by the Spirit of the living God.
Jae H. Woo
Salt and light are valuable because of their contrast and their ability to overpower what they come into contact with, namely decay and darkness. Jesus uses these analogies to explain the effect Christians are to have as they live in this world.
Jae H. Woo
Jesus teaches that his followers are blessed when they are persecuted for righteousness. Rather than avoiding or fearing persecution, believers are to expect, prepare for, and embrace it.
Jae H. Woo
True peace is not about avoiding conflict or overpowering others; it involves reconciliation between God and man, and reflecting one's sonship to God in all relationships.
Jae H. Woo
If you need additional information about our church, please reach out to us.